Lies Beneath (VR - Quest 1) - Drifter Entertainment

Single-player survival horror game with a heavy dose of action! Something's gone horribly wrong in the sleepy town of Slumber, Alaska.


My Role

I was contracted to transition this projects audio and implementation from Unreal 4’s native assets, into Wwise. It was my responsibility to own the Wwise project and implement new sounds needed into Unreal. I also helped with coverage for sounds needed relating to environmental ambience, and interacting with weapons / grabbable objects. I found that In VR it is essential even for subtle feedback on most actions relating to physics of moveable objects, and the physical manipulations made by the player. Here are some of the additions I made on the team that got me hired full time for their next project:


- Utilizing state based ambience system to modify layers that fit changes in the environment
- Designing game wide audio effects for phases where otherworldly creatures attack the player
- Utilizing RTPC’s to adjust aspects of feedback to change naturally based on gameplay
- Multiple adaptive music setups such as prox based suspense and in / out combat music
- Tagging of animations for AI foley and implementation of VO on all AI
- Environmental audio set dressing for levels, handcrafting spatialized feedback
- Brainstorming audio jump scares such as AI pounding on doors when you walk by them, twigs snapping around the player in the woods at random sparse moments, and broken radiator bursts in the hospital levels


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